Seoul Parents VIP Zone <Happy Lounge>, the space for the small break for caregivers

The Seoul Children’s Museum 'Happy Lounge' is a space created
for the small break for parents.
The caregiver’s relaxation space ‘Healing Zone’ utilizes such as plants,
music appreciation, and experiencing scents to provide a healing time
for the body and mind through sensory experiences.
While parents take a break, children can enjoy a time of self-play,
consisting of static activity exhibits, experiencing emotionally stable
and immersive play activities.

The Seoul Parents Zone is part of Seoul Metropolitan Government’s ‘Seoul Childbirth Support Project’, where dedicated spaces for caregivers and their children have been created in various public facilities. The aim of this initiative is to make parents and children feel prioritized, cared for, and respected.

* The Seoul Parents VIP Zone is a part of the ‘Seoul Childbirth Support Project’, initiated by the Seoul Metropolitan Government. This space is designed to serve relaxation for both children and their caregivers.

주제, 장소, 구분에 따른 전시정보
Theme Take a short break and play in relaxed mood
Location 2F Seoul Parents VIP Zone
Type Permanent Exhibit


